Just thought I’d share a few picks of all my new furniture that will be going in my new Craft Room / Office Re-do. We have a formal front living room in our house that is connected to the family room with a giant wall that has a window cut out. I decided to turn this front room in to my new Craft Room / Office because the space is way bigger than me kicking Kaison out of his room and making him bunk with his brother. The living room has only served us one purpose since buying the house 7 years ago, it’s the only spot we can put our computer. Other than that a huge sectional we bought when we bought the house has been sitting lonely with a tv that only got watched when I would work late on Sunday nights on the computer and Desperate Housewives was on. So I sold the sectional! As of right now the room is completely empty except for my desk and computer. So blank canvas!
Here’s some of the furniture that will be going in the room.
This was the first thing I bought, it was $5 at a garage sale. That’s right $5! Isn’t it cute! It’s the perfect tv stand. It’s about 3 feet wide, and the long drawers are perfect for the books I have no where to put. I think it use to have a back on it, not sure. But it’s super sturdy, just needed some sanding. Check out the knobs…I’m not changing them because I’m in love with them. I’m thinking this piece is really old, just can’t tell by any markings. The knobs alone were what sold me, they have a beautiful natural patina on them.
Next up is this pedestal style round table and the three chairs that came with it. I adore the style of the chairs since it’s not normally what I see with this style table on craigslist. I paid $50 for the set, it was worth it to me since the table was primarily already black outside of the dings and scratches it had. So it was less work for me and it was super close to our house. The lady I bought it from said she paid $500 for it at the Rustic Hutch store by my house, not sure about that price but if she did ouch! Unfortunately it didn’t have the leaf and I think someone glued the table shut, which I’m sure I can fix if I ever get lucky and find a leaf to fit.
Sunday I bought this massive dresser off craigslist too, it was $75 which is more than I wanted to spend on a dresser I needed to paint. Honestly though finding a dresser right now on craigslist here in AZ at least is like finding a house to buy…the dresser market is on fire! I was sick of hearing it’s sold within minutes, so I jumped on this….mainly because of it’s size and simplicity. I knew it would give me lots of storage. It’s missing the drawers here, I already painted them when I remembered to take a pic. It has two inside drawers behind those bottom doors. Once I get it painted I need to look for some great knobs.
That’s my haul for now, hopefully I will be finished painting them today. I was originally going to spray paint everything, but then got smart and decided to buy a gallon of a 2-in-1 paint and primer combo and use our compressor and sprayer to do it, way cheaper than all that spray paint and less time. Although I think I may go back and add some clear coats to the table to protect it better since it will be worked on a bit. The rest of my to buy list includes some accessories, a few wall shelves, a couple bookshelves for more storage with baskets or bins and a couple rugs from Ikea.
Have a great day everyone!
I like all of these. I’m currently on the hunt for a dresser to use as a TV console. I’m about to head to the thrift store now. Hopefully your luck will rub off on me. 🙂